[Cùng giao dịch Forex mỗi ngày] Phân tích Vàng & Forex ngày 07/11

[Cùng giao dịch Forex mỗi ngày] Phân tích Vàng & Forex ngày 07/11

[Cùng giao dịch Forex mỗi ngày] Phân tích Vàng & Forex ngày 07/11
Vàng ko xong rồi. Dù thị trường nghi ngờ nhưng càng lúc càng có vẻ như TQ vs Mỹ kiểu gì cũng sẽ ký thỏa thuận.
EU không lên nổi điểm vào lệnh. Phải chờ tiếp, BOE họp nên hủy lệnh limit.
Chào các bác, e xin đưa ra nhận định của bản thân:
1. USD

Sự phân kỳ rõ ràng dễ dàng được nhìn thấy trên chart D1.
Do đó, em kỳ vọng, USD tiếp tục tăng theo mô hình 2 đáy

2. WTI

Không khó để thấy mô hình bearish-flag trên chart D1. Ngoài ra, trên chart H4, momentum đang phân kỳ.
Do đó, em kỳ vọng WTI giảm. 2 mục tiêu giá là 2 vùng trắng trong hình


Mô hình bullish-flag hoàn thành cùng với sự phân kỳ của volume trên chart H4 và xu hướng tăng của USD.
Chúng ta kỳ vọng UCAD tăng


Mô hình 2 đỉnh sắp hoàn thành + sự phân kỳ rõ ràng của momentum và volume trên chart D1 + xu hướng tăng của USD.
Chúng ta tự tin sell GBPUSD. Mục tiêu giá là vùng trắng trên hình

Chúc các bác đặt SL đầy đủ
Tôi tìm được chén thánh rồi các bác ạ. ))
Bước tiếp theo là bán khóa học cho anh em LOL.
P/s: lâu rồi mới bị scam email như này. Trau dồi ngoại ngữ thôi các bác ạ.
Hello, We have a system that will end your search for success in Forex!. This is a very hidden secret/ system we have decided to let very few people have access to. Let me tell you one big truth...Forex, is a big scam if you understand the way it works. The brokers are only using your trades to hide their own trading. There are several strategies the brokers themselves use and a major one they use is Hedging. The only way to be financially free with Forex is to treat Forex as a business. I am sad to tell you that speculation do not work in the long term. If you are an insider to this market, you will know that there are very very few ways to make money in the long term as a retail trader. One of these few ways is Hedging. Don't get me wrong, it is very difficult to set it up, not to talk of the algorithm to program. It is the reason why only very few people (and the brokers use it. Scalping also works but truly successful scalping is not supported by many brokers and you certainly won't make money copying- in fact it is impossible to coapypy those systems). I have a Forex hedging system which WILL end your search for breakthrough in Forex. The system hedges between two brokers and ensures that you WIN ON EVERY TRADE. (One account will lose and the other will win but you will walk home with a net profit ON EVERY SINGLE TRADE!). We have been using this same system for over a year now and making money at last in Forex (I am happy to send you copies of our live promotion accounts). Note that this is NOT latency arbitrage. Latency arb will never work and we hate it with everything, just like the brokers. This system is the result of over 4 years of research, development and testing, along with extensive consultations with highly knowledgeable individuals in the industry. I will direct you to set up account with the brokers to work with. These are heavily regulated and award winning brokers. One of them is a group and the other have been in the industry for over 16 years with several awards so you are sure that your money is protected. You will have full control of your account and you can withdraw and deposit as and when you like. We will not need to have any information regarding your account except the login details to your MT4 account in order to set up the system for you. We have decided to let a very few people have access to this system for a very limited time. Additionally, we are happy to set it up for you with a test licence for only $150, start trading for you to see it working live, then you can pay for your own licence when you are happy with it. For a limited time offer, the set up cost is only $550 but like i have mentioned, you don't need to pay all right now (The $150 will be taken out of the cost if you decide to continue- so you pay the remaining 400. You can easily make this money in a month's trade). We will set you up and when you are happy with our test, you can let us continue by purchasing your own licence. The licence is valid for a month and including administration cost, we charge a fee of $100 per month or 15% share of profit upon withdrawal (which ever is higher). You can start with any amount you want but we advice that you start with a minimum of $1000 i.e. $500 in each account. With our system and setup, you are assured of long term profit in Forex!. Please send me a message here if you are interested. But trust me, this will not last. We are looking for only very very limited number of individuals. Thanks for reading
Đén vùng điều chỉnh rồi. Ko nên cố, để qua đêm ko biết thế nào. Out thôi. Mai tính tiếp. G9


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